The magazine article shows the band, The
Lumineers, sat down on what looks like living room chairs. This gives me the
impression that they’re in a homely environment. In addition to this, the way
the characters have been placed or arranged if very stereotypical to see. The
main singer is placed in the centre as he is the star image so it’s easier for
fans to recognise the poster and what it’s about. The other members of the band
are usually randomly arranged around the singer.
The characters have all been dressed in smart/casual
clothing with the ties, braces, shirts and hats. This shows sophistication
within the band as well as the fact they’re quite ‘chilled’. Many artists tend to make eye contact or
direct address with the audience as a way to influence people into buying it,
however, The Lumineers aren't even facing the camera which could suggest that
they’re not like other bands and that they don’t want to, in a way, force
people into buying it.
What’s iconic about this poster is mainly to do with the
text and what’s been said on it. For example, the main text that draws readers
in is the large font/title saying “THE LUMINEERS” which immediately draws in
attention for the public and fans. This is so it’s easier for people to
recognise the artists being advertised. In addition to this, the most popular
songs such as “Ho Hey” are also enlarged against the other text to make them
stand out. This is iconic for the band as these song titles that are enlarged
is what made them a success.
Some technical elements have made an influence on the band’s
poster. For example, the lighting coming from behind the band would usually
create a silhouette of the subjects, however, the white balance has been
adjusted so that that the light behind is bright enough but not bright enough
to create silhouette; it’s been carefully composed and thought about. As well
as this, the photo has been taken in line with the band and at an angle that’s
straight on. The poster uses a consistent font throughout the poster so that
the poster doesn't look messy or disorganised.
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